Friday, 16 July 2010

Interview on author Nik Perring's blog

Want to know how a bomb explosion in Manchester and a riot in Berlin fed the fires of creativity and resulted in a novel? Follow the link to Nik Perring's blog for more, plus how the seedy worlds of Graham Greene and Raymond Chandler spur me into writing, and the chance to win a FREE SIGNED copy of 'Scars Beneath The Skin.' While you're there, why not check out Nik's latest collection of short stories, 'Not So Perfect.'


  1. Great interview Andy!! I've never read Graham Greene but will seek him out now thanks to your praise of his work.


  2. Greene is a writer from another era (his peak was the 1930s to the 1950s), but a lot of his stories seem to press the right buttons for me.

    Thanks for directing people to the interview on your blog. Mandi has on Twitter as well. Haven't got started on Twitter myself yet, must get round to it.

